
Adoption is the true measure of success

Adoption is the true measure of success

The Grene Engagement Methodology is unique in its approach as we take adoption as a key success metric. The methodology is ever evolving to track and improve enterprise adoption. Adoption for todays software as a service (especially in large enterprises) requires focused strategy and effort.

Autonomous organisations are like self driving cars

Autonomous organisations are like self driving cars

An autonomous organisation is one that runs completely on autonomous software applications. An autonomous application is a software system that utilizes autonomy, automation, AI, learning, or feedback. This includes, for example, self-deciding, self-reflection, self-adaptive and self-repairing software systems.

AI Cloud & Elastic Infrastructure

AI Cloud & Elastic Infrastructure

Autonomous housing community describes the notion of making a community energy and water self sufficient. The part of food independence is usually not meant by it, probably because farming and civil engineering are too separate from each other.

What are intelligent applications?

Applications that can take smarter decisions, data insight and experience driven decisions. Applications built on our platform can save OpEx by 30% or more by taking decisions and actions that make the workforce highly productive while providing an unparalleled customer experience.

Does the customer own any of the software?

The software and the infrastructure are being provided as a service only, and they are governed by the service agreement. The software is neither licensed to the customer, nor is it sold to the customer.